Category Archives: Giveaways

Lomography Giveaway Winner Announced!

Posted on: June 14, 2014

Thank you to everyone who entered my giveaway to win a Diana F camera and I'm excited to announce the winner picked at random is... Continue reading »

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

E L I Z A B E T H  L E S L I E !!!  Big congrats Elizabeth, I’ll send you a little email to let you know how you can claim your sparkling new Diana F camera from the good guys at Lomography.

Looks like it’s going to be a super sunny day so I’m going to take my Diana to the seaside.

Have a fun weekend everyone!

WIN! A Diana F Camera by Lomography

Posted on: June 5, 2014

I'm so excited to have teamed up with Lomography to bring you all this super fun giveaway! Readers of my blog will have seen my recent adventures with these awesome vintage style film cameras and you too can now get your hands on one! Continue reading »

Thrift-ola X Lomography Giveaway!

Thrift-ola X Lomography Giveaway!

I’m absolutely loving using my Diana F and can’t wait to post about my latest roll of film which I can happily report was so much more successful than the first roll. Phewee! If you too would like to go on an adventure with Diana, it’s super simple to enter my giveaway.

1, Follow me on either Instagram, Facebook or Twitter where you can repost or share the above image.
2, E-mail me so you can be added to the Lomography mailing list.

I’ll announce the winner next Thursday 12th June. Good luck!