Category Archives: Happy Caturday

Instagram Caturday Sale – Today!

Posted on: April 12, 2014

As a little treat for all my vintage and cat loving customers this morning I have put together 3 Caturday sets full of fun kitty cat goodness... Continue reading »

Instagram Caturday Sale - today!

Instagram Caturday Sale – today!

Here are my three curated cat lovers sets which are for sale over on my Instagram page, each set retails for £10 including postage and they include:

Caturday set 1: 1980s Garfield Annual, wooden kitty fridge magnet, vintage kitty mug and cute birthday card.
Caturday set 2: retro ceramic cat vase, 1950s illustrated kitty card, wooden kitsch cat magnet and a pair of Socksville black cat cotton socks.
Caturday set 3: 1970s ‘Ready to Sew’ cuddly cat toy kit, kitten & ball of wool pottery mug, a pair of Socksville polka dot cotton cat socks and tabby cat greetings card.

Each set comes with a greetings card so if you know a cat lover then these little sets would make an ace gift! If you don’t use Instagram I will also tweet them and add to our Facebook page.

Happy Caturday!

Instagram Caturday Sale – Tomorrow!

Posted on: April 11, 2014

Every Saturday I post a vintage Happy Caturday photo on Instagram but tomorrow's weekly instalment will be a little bit special... Continue reading »

Someone's super excited about our Caturday sale tomorrow!

Someone’s super excited about our Caturday sale tomorrow!

Do you follow Thrift-ola on Instagram? If so you’ll be familiar with the heavy cat chat and tomorrow I have a special Caturday surprise for you! Instead of just the one photo I’ll be posting three photos and each photo will feature a variety of cat related products that are for sale for just £10 per set including postage.

Follow Thrift-ola here and come check out the Caturday sale sets tomorrow morning!

Happy Caturday: A vintage postcard from Mablethorpe

Posted on: March 29, 2014

Regular Thrift-ola blog readers will have seen the super set of vintage birthday cards we found in my Boyfriend's Mum's loft last week. Now for another fantastic find... Continue reading »

A kitsch black cat postcard to bring you luck from Mablethorpe.

A kitsch black cat postcard to bring you luck from Mablethorpe.

Hands up who loves going for a dig around in their parent’s loft whenever they visit home? Sadly my parents no longer live in my childhood home and when they split up didn’t keep much at all. Sometimes I think that’s the reason I can easily part with my thrifty finds, I don’t tend to have the attachment gene to objects or stuff, which is a good thing as my shop would always be empty and my flat fit to burst! Continue reading »

Cats In Charity Shops

Posted on: April 26, 2011

Meet Sam the resident kitty cat at CRY charity shop in Eastleigh, Hampshire. He likes reclining in the sunny window amongst the teak furniture and snacking on tuna. Continue reading »

Sam the ginger tom reclining in the window of CRY charity shop.

Sam the ginger tom reclining in the window of CRY charity shop.

Cats In Charity Shops is my new Tumblr project. I’ll be seeking out the kitty cats residing in our nation’s chazza shops and if you know of a cat in your local charity shop then please submit your snap!

Make the Purr-fect Cat Basket

Posted on: April 7, 2011

The problem with a craft all-dayer held at some of the best knitting shops around London is there are too many cats to play with and cakes to eat that no making actually gets done. That's my excuse anyway. Continue reading »

Tommy reclining in the world’s cosiest cat basket

Last week I joined the Last Wednesday Knitting Club‘s 1st birthday knit crawl, where we spent the day making stuff in the best knitting shops around London. We started off at Fabrications in Broadway Market where I was quite taken with resident kitty Tommy and his cat basket. Well, when I say cat basket it was a vintage suitcase full of neck scarves which I think were meant for crafty projects but Tommy was definitely claiming squatters rights. As I sat there making my owl (er, I don’t really knit) Tommy writhed about on his back with such delight I thought this was simply the cosiest cat basket I’d ever seen. That weekend, the top of my thrifter’s list read 1. vintage suitcase 2. lots of scarves, but as all seasoned thrifters will know the moment you’re looking for something specific you won’t find it. Anyho, they’re on the list and when I find ’em my two kitties will also have the pleasure of the cosiest cat basket in the world. Thanks Tommy!