Small business talk: How to do your own PR

As a small business owner I am constantly looking to improve my skills when it comes to running, growing and ensuring the success of my online shop and blog. I attend many workshops, advice sessions, group talks, webinars and networking events and I've decided to start a little bi-monthly blog series to share some of the ace tips I pick up along the way. I hope my fellow indie business owners and those thinking of starting their own mini empire may find it useful...

GIRL FRIDAY! Small business talk: How to do your own PR.

Small business talk: How to do your own PR.

A few weeks ago I signed up to a webinar hosted by the City Business Library, which was recommended by my business mentor, called ‘How to do your own PR’. The CBL is an amazing business resource and completely free to use, they also host a wide range of events aimed at helping people on their way to business success. The workshops, talks and seminars are often only £5 to book a place and the free webinars are great for people who don’t live in London.

The ‘How to do your own PR’ webinar was hosted by PR coach Dina Behrman who specialises in DIY PR. The three main tips I took away from the advice session were:

• When sending a press release ensure you have a newsworthy story; a unique angle that interests the journalist and get’s their attention. Don’t just send a press release for the sake of it.

• Hold a press event. If you have a premises like a shop or workshop arrange a tour of the premises where during this time you can build a relationship with the journalists so they are familiar with your business. Then keep in touch with them, drop them a line every so often, keep on their radar.

• Build your audience by writing guest blog posts. Share your knowledge with a how-to guide or top tips, give something of value to the readers. Include a short bio before the post along with a photo and link to your own website. Consider which page to link out to, make the most of the opportunity and offer a freebie for signing up to the mailing list. Then offer to write guest articles for relevant trade or niche magazines. Think about your specialist subject and always keep in mind what you are an expert in with all the PR you do.

There were many more points discussed during the 2 hours and an excellent Q&A at the end where everybody had the opportunity to ask Dina their specific questions. I’m sure the free webinar will be run again and I’m booked in for the social media and blogging workshops in a few weeks time. Check out the full timetable here.

If anyone has any ace DIY PR tips please do comment below!

2 Responses to Small business talk: How to do your own PR

  1. Emma Betty says:

    Great blog post! For more tips you can take a look at slides from a talk I did for the Brighton Etsy group last month x

  2. That’s amazing Emma! Thanks for sharing x

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